Some basic info: I usually leave the car all the way down in the valley near the Bistričica creek. It then takes me less than an hour to climb to the top at 1259 meters, gaining about
To make matters more interesting, my hiking boots fell apart on my last hike in the Julian Alps, so I had to buy new ones. Buying hiking shoes has always been a hassle for me. I have sensitive feet and getting blisters even in sandals is the norm for me. After one hike to Kamniski vrh I got blisters on my heels alright, but I'm hoping to break the shoes in soon!
I climbed Kamniski vrh twice last week, both times in late afternoon. It was sunny the first time, and the second time I wasn't sure I'd get back dry. ;) I only had a small compact camera with me.

Velika planina from Kamniski vrh.

Views from the top are really great.

It was almost dark when I got down, but the section of the path leading through the woods was still in front of me.

Last Sunday I was waiting for the rain the whole day. When it never came by late afternoon, I decided to try my luck and headed to the mountains. It did look quite ominous.

It was probably raining on Krvavec.

It doesn't look the weather is getting any better until the end of the week, not for any longer hikes anyway, so I might bore you with Kamniski vrh again soon. :)
Ana, ti pa res nikoli ne moreš biti dolgočasna s svojimi objavami. Morda je dež vse te dni z namenom ... da razhodiš svoje planinske čevlje in se brez žuljev podaš v skale, ko bo posijalo sonce.
Hvala, ampak če objavim še ene pet postov samo o Kamniškem vrhu, ga boste imeli vsi vrh glave. Razen če ne ujamem kakšne srnice, tornada ali jetija! :)
Ana, nikoli ne bom imela dovolj tvojih fotografij. In nekako so vedno najboljše te, ki jih delaš okrog tvojega (ex) doma (Kamnik in okolica). Ne vem, zakaj; tako pač je. Zopet tako lepe fotografije. Sama sebi sem že tečna ker ne znam napisat več nič novega o njih. Izbirala ne bom; se enostavno ne morem odločit. Morda nimaš samo občitljivih nog, ampak tudi dušo. Zato pa so takšne te tvoje fotke, tople. Dolgočasiš nas pa res ne. Ti kar popaj še dalje te tvoje fotke. Sama neznansko uživam v njih. Čakam na ponovno razstavo Ana. Ali pa izdajo kakšne knjige tvojih fotografij. Lepo se imej.
Pika, čeprav je pohvale fajn slišati, si vedno želim tudi konstruktivne kritike, saj brez tega ni napredka. In brez skrbi, moja stopala so zagotovo bolj občutljiva kot moja dušica. :)
Jah, mislim, da je strah, da bom nehala popati fotke, odveč. Sem povsem in absolutno zasvojena. :) Razstava bo gotovo še kakšna, za knjigo pa sem že manj prepričana. Razen če jo izdam v samozaložbi, hehe.
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