11 September 2009

Hiking via Krnica to Kriski podi

The weather forecast looked promising last Monday so I picked up the phone and called Jaka to ask him to join me on a two-day hike in the Julian Alps the following day. It didn't take him long to agree. :)

Day 1
Having packed heavy rucksacks we set off at 4 a.m., parked the car at the 3rd hairpin bend on the Vrsic road and started walking towards the hut in the Krnica valley. It was still pretty dark, but we preferred walking without our headlamps on. The trail ascended slowly across some meadows and through the forest, and when it emerged onto a dry riverbed we started to take photos. The sky had just gotten bright enough to eliminate the need for a tripod.

It took quite some time to get to the end of the valley. On the map, it's more than 3 kms as the crow flies. We stood in front of a rock face.

Surrounded by mountains.

The Kriska stena face was easy climbing.

We had beautiful views of the valley behind us and the mountains around us, especially Mt. Razor.

From the top of Kriska stena it was a quick hike to the top of Mt. Kriz (2410 m), which is a gorgeous lookout point. Triglav was so close I could almost touch it with my own hands. :)

Kriski podi and the Pogacnik hut were right below us.

On the trail down to the hut we went past one of the three small lakes.

We had lunch and rested a bit in front of the hut, enjoying the views. When the sun was close to the horizon, we explored the nearby area. The hut has an impressive backdrop of Mt. Planja and Mt. Razor. Do you see a visitor in the bottom right corner?

The cheeky ibex wasn't even afraid of me photographing it from a few meters. :)

It wasn't as cheeky anymore when a big ibex showed up and chased it away.

The light was becoming sweeter and sweeter.

Mt. Bovski Gamsovec was on fire.

There were about 40 people at the hut, and everybody was watching this wonderful display nature was putting on for us.

Orange layers.

The Prehodavci hut and Mt. Zelnarica.

The Prehodavci hut and Mt. Zelnarica half an hour later.

Lepo spicje range and Mt. Zadnjiski ozebnik in the foreground.

By now it was dark. This is a 15-second exposure. Lugging our tripods with us paid off, I hope. :)

It was time to pack our gear and call it a night.


Kačja pastirica said...

Čudovite fotografije in čudovite slovenske gore! Mi je obudilo spomine na pot pred enim mesecem iz smeri Aljaževega doma, tudi na Križ ter Pogačnikov dom. Zgornje jezero je imelo še nekaj snega. Srečno še naprej!

Jaka said...

Fiš raztura!

Pika said...

Res enkratno čudovite slovenske gore. In tvoje fotografije. Hvala, ker približaš njihovo lepoto tudi nam, ki smo bolj redki gostje (na žalost) v Julijcih. Smo bolj Pohorci. To pa je bolj hrib kot gora, kajne? A tudi čudovito lepo Pohorje.

Ana Pogačar said...

@kačja pastirica: hvala! Snega je bilo prejšnji teden samo še za vzorec. Srečno tudi tebi!

@Jaka: se strinjam! ;)

@Pika: saj jaz tudi premalo hodim po Julijcih. Kot rojena Kamničanka sem pač vse otroštvo in mladost skakala po Kamniških Alpah, ki jih imam pred nosom, drugam smo pa zašli le redkokdaj. In zdaj bi rada to nadoknadila. :)
Pohorje pa tudi čisto premalo poznam. Pridem pozimi. ;)

Jaka said...

Pohorje roxorz my boxorz, sploh pozimi, ko so smrekce zasnežene. Pa še ni tako nevarno pozimi kot kje drugje po naših gorah.

Sandi said...

Eh Ana, kaj naj rečem? Kdo komu sedaj lušte dela? Čista zavidljivost me grize ob gledanju tvojih fotk. Damn you! :)

Upam, da je prečenje še zmeraj aktualno. :)

Tisto 180° fishy fotko gora imam že zdavnaj v mislih izdelano. Do potankosti, le lokacija je druga, taka bolj nedostopna in potrpežljivo čaka, da še malo dozorim.

Ana Pogačar said...

@Jaka: torej gremo pozimi na Pohorje!

@Sandi: ne zdaj preklinjat, no. Saj bi ti rekla, da pojdi v hribe, ampak v tem dežju začnem preklinjati še jaz, ko se spomnim, da moram čepeti doma, namesto da bi uživala v prekrasnih razgledih z vršacev. :(
Prečenje je pa seveda še aktualno, samo da se naredi vreme.
O kateri 180° fotki gora govoriš?

Sandi said...

Preklinjanje je bilo bolj v šali mišljeno. Nisem si mogel pomagati, ko pa norim tu za knjigami, medtem ko me podplati in prsti pošteno srbijo ;)

V mislih sem imel Amfiteater v Martuljški skupini, ki ga obdajajo krušljiva ostenja Široke peči, Škrnatarice in Dovškega križa.