27 April 2009

Spring colors of the Predel and Vršič passes I.

I was waiting for April 25 when the road over the Vršič pass was supposed to be opened. Colors of spring were calling to me, and the combination of the green forests and white mountains was too appealing to resist. :)

We started in the morning and the first picture I took was in Gozd Martuljek.

We then stopped in Kranjska Gora for a cup of coffee with my aunt and crossed the border with Italy. Our destination was the Mangart lakes.

I couldn't believe the amount of snow! We walked around in short sleeves, yet there was still at least 20 cm of snow.

Steep ravines in the Mangart range:

The only peak that wouldn't reveal itself was Mangart. I took a random photo and only found out at home that there were two climbers/skiers descending down the northern slope. Can you see them?

The second lake was just as green.

More snow.

Next we drove past the town of Trbiž to the Rabelj Lake:

After climbing the Predel pass at 1165 meters above sea level we were back in Slovenia, admiring a bridge that is being built across a steep valley.

Soon the village of Strmec came into view:
Just before the village of Log pod Mangartom this panorama opened up. I think the whole trip was worthwhile for this photo alone.

Driving down the Koritnica valley we saw a huge avalanche amidst the already green trees. It will take a long time before this one melts completely.

To be continued ...


Tomaž said...

Sklepam torej, da ste šli čez Vršič. Kakšne so kaj razmere?

Ana said...

Ja, vračala sva se čez Vršič. To je bilo v soboto, 25.4., ko je bila cesta prvi dan odprta. Prevozna brez težav. Samo kadar bo gužva, utegne zmanjkati parkirišč. :)

Luka said...

Bemti, spet take fotke, da me je na rt vrgl...

Ana said...

Hehe, Luka, hvala, upam, da te rit ne boli preveč ... :))))

Aleš said...

Ana, lep izlet in spet super fotke, žal je bilo sonce preveč močno, kontrasti preveliki in je tu pa tam kakšen oblak prežgan. Ampak tako pač je pri fotografiranju, enkrat je tako, drugič drugače. Meni je najbolj všeč predzadnja s tisto cesto, travnikom in gorami v ozadju in fotografija nastajajočega mostu.
Super reportaža!

Ana said...

Hvala, Aleš! Se strinjam, sonce je sredi dneva enostavno premočno, ampak kadar greš na izlet za ves dan, si nekatere kraje pač primoran poslikati sredi dneva. Tudi mene boli srce, ko vidim kakšno krasno pokrajino pred sabo, sonce pa nažiga ko zmešano in meče trde sence. :)) Včasih se je treba sprijazniti, da je treba uživati v izletu in se ne obremenjevati preveč s kvaliteto fotk. No, to mi dopovedujejo, meni pa se ne uspe vedno prepričati. ;)