After attending a midnight mass at the chapel on the Velika planina plateau for Christmas a couple of years ago, I decided to give it another go this winter. Instead of taking the cable car (going up is ok, but the wait for going down can last up to three hours!) we hiked from the valley. It was quite romantic especially when we turned the headlamps off. Walking in the dark, first through the forest and then up the open slope, fills you with all kinds of feelings - even a little bit of fear for the fainthearted, but mostly it was exhilaration for me.
Once we crossed Mala planina, we could already see a long procession of people walking with headlamps and torches.

People were throwing all sorts of explosive devices. :)

There was a constant flow of people coming to and going from the chapel.

Around the chapel:

The village of Velika planina:

Ghosts and trails of headlamps:

A procession, star trails and light pollution from the valley:

Night illumination penetrating the fog in the valley below:

More photos
Čudovito! Spet si se izkazala! ko bi ti vedla kok se zdaj tolčem po glavi, da nisem šel... Če ne prej, skupna Velika Planina pade ravno za Božič:)
Kako pa kaj Peričnik?
Hvala! :) O, bomo šli pa že kaj prej na Velko, kaj praviš? Spomladi in poleti je tudi krasna. No, pa jeseni tudi. V bistvu vedno. :)
Peričnik bo v kratkem, včeraj in danes sem se bolj ali manj borila z računalnikom, ki mi je odpovedoval pokorščino. Kje je pa tvoj Peričnik? ;)
Zmeraj, ko mislim, da me ne moreš več presenetit, ugotovim, da sm se zmotil!
Super truper! Slika 3 in 5 navdusita!
Skoda le, da ni bila zadeva obrnjena na sever...tako bi dobila daljse poti, zarisane od zvezd...mogoce celo kroge!
Vseeno pa odlicno!
Zdej vidim, da je bila huda napaka, da sem se v tem casu grel v bajti :(
Zdravo Andrej, a si ti že doma? Čakamo na tvoje fotke! :))
Saj peta fotka je slikana proti severu. Daljše sledi zvezd bi bile fajn, ja, tokrat ni bilo dovolj časa za vse. Sicer pa hvala! :)
WAW:) Ta svetloba v dolini da vsemu res malo bolj čaroben pridih... Čestitke za lepo serijo...
Hojla Martin, hvala, res je bilo super. Svetlobna onesnaženost ima lahko včasih tudi kak dober učinek, pa magari samo na fotki. :)
Good rreading
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