After some heavy snowfall last night our street looked like this in the morning.

As the weather forecast said the snowing would turn to rain, I went for a walk around town.

I doubt the rugs and laundry will dry in this weather. :))

I continued along the path that leads along the creek ...

... to a field. The fog descended and it started to rain!

I hurried back, but I did manage to snap a few pictures of a junkyard on the way.

Do you see rain drops? By the time I got home I was completely wet. I really hope the weather doesn't get any warmer. I prefer snow to rain any day! ;)
Nazadnje ko sva z Joštom slikala tele cigane če ne bi prej šla bi dobila batine. Za ziher ;)
lp, Miha
Hehe, danes so se vsi poskrili. Se niso hoteli zmočiti. ;)
haha, naš vhod v blok :XD. kul fotke.
Hehe, potem sva pa soseda. ;)
A ni hudir, če je že toliko časa usrano vreme... js od peričnika še nisem prijel aparata v roke...
Si pa pokazala, da se je treba sam ven spravit.. Fajn fotke , kombi mi je špica.
Ja, tole vreme tudi mene spravlja ob živce. Snega sem se tako razveselila, potem pa dež. :( No, ampak zbrcat se je včasih vseeno fajn, ne glede na vreme. In hvala, tisti kombi tudi meni seka. :))
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