Last Sunday I was busy with work. But in the afternoon I decided to go out for some fresh air as the weather was nice and warm and it would be a shame to spend the whole day at the computer.
Where to go? I've been to all the nearby hills, taken all the short walks around my home and driven around the scenic points many times. For a minute I thought I'd climb Velika planina (again), but in the end I thought of another great short hike in the vicinity - the Kašna planina mountain. Although practically right before my nose, it had somehow escaped my attention thus far.
I left the car near Kranjski Rak pass and started climbing the grassy slope full of blueberry bushes turning red.

After reaching the top at the altitude of about 1500 meters, the views toward the north revealed Velika planina and the Kamnik Alps in the background.

Velika planina silhouette.

Kašna planina is full of small ponds from which cattle drink when on pasture here.

Grass by the pond.

It's amazing how trees are already losing their green color.

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to play with the reflections.

Kašna planina hut was already deserted - the cattle and the shepherds had left for the winter.

The Kamnik Alps in the late afternoon sun.

Mt. Skuta framed by trees.

It was a great hike, perfect if you only have a couple of hours to spare.
More photos, as usual, in my
photo journal.
Zopet super fotke. Vidim da si delala nekaj HDR-obdelav. Zelo všeč, vendar zgol moj predlog, ki ga lahko upoštevaš ali pa tudi ne. Skušaj dodati malo kontrasta, odvzemi nekaj svetlobe, ter zmanjšaj saturacijo.
En primer:
Thx, tudi glede predloga za izboljšavo. Pri HDRju je blazno težko zadeti ravno pravo kombinacijo svetlosti, kontrasta in nasičenosti barv. Včasih mi uspe malo bolj, včasih malo slabše. Tvoja varianta je boljša! Bom še bolj pazila v bodoče. ;)
HDR lahko naredi super fotografijo, ali pa jo popolnoma uniči. Sam sem delal HDR, tudi katastrofalne ;)
4. fotka mi je zelo zelo všeč, a poveš kakšen objektiv je bil tukaj uporabljen?
Thx, Denis! Objektiv je bil peleng fisheye 8mm. Super igračka. ;)
Beautiful photos!
I must visit the mountains and the seaside in Croatia.
Slovenia too ;)
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