20 September 2013

At the beach in Stara Baška and Punat

I love the sea. I love the beach. I love the salty sea air. I'd spend three months a year at the seaside if I could. Sadly, I haven't really spent much time at the beach in the past few years for various reasons. This year it wasn't until September that we could finally take the time and head to one of our favorite destinations, Island Krk in Croatia. We traveled with our half-made camper van and based ourselves at the campground in Stara Baška but drove to a desolate beach near Punat almost every day. I still had to work, but I got to lie on the beach every day, swim, relax, do crosswords and sudoku, and I actually read 4 books! Bliss. These 9 days weren't about photography at all, but I had my little camera with me almost everywhere and snapped away when the mood struck.

Arriving at our destination - Stara Baška:

Late afternoon on the beach at the Stara Baška campground:

Waiting for the sunset:

The desolate beach near Punat, and finally some serious drama in the sky!

View of the Punat Bay with a small island in the middle:

It was raining almost every night, and the clouds got quite ominous a few times during the day, too:

View of the Punat Bay:

Our campground:

The hills behind the village of Stara Baška:

At the Stara Baška pier for sunset:

Pink sky above Stara Baška:

I think I'll go back before the summer is completely over. ;)

More photos here.


Seamus said...

Ta vikend je bil idealn za ponovit. Mi smo na žalost zamudili. Upamo na prihajajoči vikend, čeprav ne kaže ravno najbolje.

Ana said...

Res je bil idealen. Smo ponovili. :) Glede prihodnjega se pa pustimo presenetiti.

Seamus said...

Hja, tokratni bil je bolj na silo skup privlečen in en dan prekratek (jutri že zjutraj obljubljajo dež in šotor smo raje pospravili že danes in sedaj že zmrzujemo na 13°C). Amapk zaključek je pa bil. Kopali smo se, edino sonca je bilo malo premalo.

Ana said...

Jaz sem včeraj uživala na sončku v Kopru in se kopala v presenetljivo toplem morju. Kar v redu zaključek za konec septembra. :)