A quick climb to Mt. Kamniški vrh a couple of weeks ago was my first since the beginning of the summer. Scandalous! I was late and missed the sunset at the top by a few minutes, but the light was still good.

First snow on Mt. Brana.

The moon in pink light above Velika planina.

I got back to the car when it was already completely dark. And I only met a couple of people on the way up. :)
Vedno napišeš, da se hitro povzpneš na Kamniški vrh. :) Meni se zdi kar visok... kok časa pa rabiš? :)
Drugač pa čudovite slike, seveda! Krasni s kravico in luno!
Heh, odvisno, koliko fotkam. Višinske razlike je 700 metrov, jaz pridem gor v 50-60 minutah, če veliko fotkam, se zamudim še dlje. Dol gre hitreje. :)
Ja za fotografa je to zelo težek odgovor, vem. :) No sej potem je kar nekaj za hodit, če zamudiš zahod, ga res zamudiš :) hehe
Moram it enkrat gor, je res lepo!
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