But this isn't supposed to be a travelogue (at least I don't have the energy to write one at the moment :), so I'll just skip right to the photos.
The Old Jewish cemetery.

Old Town Hall Tower with the astronomical clock.

View from the Old Town Hall Tower.

Church of Our Lady before Týn and the Old Town Square.

Looking straight down.

In the park.

Wenceslas Square.

On Charles Bridge.

The dome and belfry of St. Nicholas church.

View from the St. Nicholas belfry.

St. Vitus's Cathedral at Prague Castle.

The interior of St. Vitus's Cathedral.

View of Prague from Prague Castle.

Late afternoon Prague. Yes, there's a vineyard in the foreground. :)

I waited for the dusk here and almost froze because of the chilly wind.

When the lights came on, Prague looked wonderful in the blue hour.

St. Nicholas church with the observation tower in the background (a replica of the Eiffel Tower).

Before the blue hour was over, I rushed down to the Vltava river and got lucky with this scene.

Charles Bridge.

It got dark too soon, so I concluded my photo session with this picture of Prague Castle and headed to the old town to meet Katka for dinner.

It was a long and interesting day. I walked everywhere without taking the metro or bus or tram. At the end of the day there were almost 500 images on my memory card. :) More photos from my first day wanderings can be found in my Photo Journal, as always.
To be continued ...
What a surprise! I thought you are only a nature and landscape photographer! Great photos!
Sem že kar pogrešala tvoje nove fotografije. No, če sem pričakovala kakšne meglice visokogorskih jezer v jutranjem sončku...Praga... tudi v redu. Sem bila lani julija tam in sama naredila cel kup fotografij. Bom eno prilimala na svoj blog danes. Praga je lepa; sama sem se imela super, a odkrito...čez Gorenjsko ali našimi slovenskimi gorami in hribi...jih ni! Lepe fotke. Drugačne, a lepe.
Luka, jaz sem tudi to mislila. ;)
Pika, se strinjam glede lepot Gorenjske. Ampak tudi na tuje je meni vedno lepo iti, videti kaj novega, izkusiti kaj drugačnega. Hribi pa zagotovo še pridejo na vrsto. Tvoje fotke iz Prage me pa tudi zanimajo, si grem pogledat.
je samo ena; druge niso za objavo, ker je na vsaki kakšna oseba...smo bile štiri ženske, pa so se one tri vedno hotele fotografirat...
ja, tudi na tuje je lepo iti...a sem bila že kar nekaj, sedaj se mi pa lušta domače ognjišče...verjetno se staram?! he,he,he...
Lepe slike! Bravo!
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