In case you were wondering - I haven't posted in a while because I was down with a nasty flu and wasn't really able to take any new photos and at the same time wasn't in the mood to dig through the old ones to post. Well, the ones I'm posting today are kinda old, but I just post-processed them yesterday. Another hike in the Julian Alps for all you mountain lovers. :)
Late October (yes, 2006 ;), golden larches, great views, few people around - what more can you wish for?
The first sun rays just above Blejska hut:

Noisy and B&W - something you won't see from me often. :))

The trail towards the peak led through larches that literally glowed in the morning sun:

When we got close to the top, the weather started to change and ominous dark clouds rolled in from the north:

Looking down from the top to Krma Valley:

After we continued across the ridge to the west, the sun came out again, but some of the peaks were still shrouded in clouds:

A panoramic view:

On our way down we stopped every few minutes to marvel at sights like this one:

Relaxing under some old larches:

Sun and shadow:

Before returning home, we stopped at Planina Javornik to look at the mountains we had climbed before:

Climbing Debela peč is a wonderful hike. Not demanding at all and offering great views of the "big" mountains. If you want to see more photos and a more detailed description of the hike, go
Wow, iz telih slik pa debela peč dosti lepše izgleda kot pa je v resnici :)
Res lepe slike delaš.
Anč'k....res bo treba skup enkrat še na stare cajte bomo čenčal...hahah
Fotke krasne, tvoja angleščina pa tudi bravurozna.
Anonimni, hvala! Škoda, da ne vem, komu se zahvaljujem. ;)
Olki, ti sam rec. :p
Itak nobenega ne zvlečem s sabo v hribe, ne za hodit, ne za fotkat. Same ravnince poznam, očitno. :))) Bravurozna? Hehe, kako elokventno si to povedal.
Vse pohvale, ful lepe fotografije. Najbolj so mi padli v oči trije luštni fantki. Tak so polni energije in iskrivosti :) in ravno to si ujela na fotografijo.
Komaj čakam na nove zadeve :))
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