Tunjice is a village only a few minutes' drive away from where I live but I never took photos of its picturesque church before. Until last weekend. :) My friend Piotr suggested going there for the sunset on a stormy June Saturday, and we arrived there after a rainy afternoon. The clouds were dramatic, the sun made an appearance for about a minute, just enough to take a picture or two of the sunlit church of St. Ana, and the clouds were chased around the mountain slopes by the wind. After sundown there was so much humidity in the air the lens needed to be wiped after every shot. But it was quite worth it. :)
:D Ja, sj res. Ta zadnja če veš kam. Po tisti cesti greš, ki gre proti Podgorju (makedam). Tunjiška mlaka 35. Zame kot prišleka je to kar pomemben podatek, ker 100€+ za plac ne mislim dajati. OK, ni reke, je pa lepa okolica in gozd vse naokrog.
woohow! New post and new look. Good to have you back! And of course, nice images. :)
Thanks, Sašo! I'm just experimenting a little, with the look and the come back... :)
Pa še dober in poceni piknik plac je pri zadnji kmetiji.
A res, Seamus? Pri kateri tazadnji? A če se pelješ proti Tunjiškemu gaju?
:D Ja, sj res. Ta zadnja če veš kam. Po tisti cesti greš, ki gre proti Podgorju (makedam). Tunjiška mlaka 35. Zame kot prišleka je to kar pomemben podatek, ker 100€+ za plac ne mislim dajati. OK, ni reke, je pa lepa okolica in gozd vse naokrog.
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