One late-November Sunday was especially foggy. Even in the afternoon the sun couldn't penetrate the fog. It looked kind of eerie through the window, so I grabbed my camera and headed out in hopes of capturing something worthwhile. I drove to some nearby fields with a picturesque, tree-lined country road and started clicking away. I was surprised to see how many people were out walking despite the gloomy weather. The photos turned out great though! I was really more than happy when I downloaded them to my computer.
As usually, great. Shame that here at Shanghai there is no such beautiful nature...i miss it :S First one and 1 before last are the best...especially first one...very mysterious... :) Nature doesn’t want to reveal what is behind this fog curtain… Andrej
G05-Groblje-28.jpg se mi dopade
As usually, great. Shame that here at Shanghai there is no such beautiful nature...i miss it :S
First one and 1 before last are the best...especially first one...very mysterious... :)
Nature doesn’t want to reveal what is behind this fog curtain…
@Klemen: hvala, meni tudi. :)
@Andrej: ah, imaš pa zato v Shanghaiu druge prizore, ki jih mi tukaj niti slučajno nimamo prilike videti. ;) Upam, da kaj fotkaš?
Tole je pa malo bolj kot mengeški drevored
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