29 December 2006

Midnight mass in the mountains

There is a midnight mass held every Christmas in a chapel on Velika planina mountain. People hike there and it's wonderful to see the procession of torches and lamps moving through the night.
This is what it was like around the chapel: The mountain huts, light pollution from the valley and a passer's-by headlamp:

It was very windy and I had to put all my weight on the tripod to push it to the ground, but still most of the photos turned out blurry.
There was fog in the valley below and those red and orange patches are citylights penetrating through the fog:

Some more photos here.


Anonymous said...

Tej nocni posnetki so res fenomenalni. Bravo.

Ana Pogačar said...

Hvala, Denis!

andrejV said...

Ana, škoda da nisi osvetljevala dlje časa...
Da bi ti zvezde zarisale čedne loke.
Edin problem je, da bi se ti pojavlo še več šuma in hot piksov :S

Drugače pa super...sploh ona s cerkvico.

Ana Pogačar said...

Hehe, šum in hot piksli sploh niso bili problematični. Ne vem, če si prebral tekst, ampak tiste noči je tako pihalo, da je bilo joj. Z vso težo sem se morala obešati na stativ. Enkrat ga nisem držala, pa ga je skoraj prekucnilo. Tako da razne večminutne ekspozicije niso prišle v poštev. Se pa strinjam, sledi zvezd so zakon. :)