Is this winter?? Where is the snow? Come on, it's the middle of January. I want snow!
This is the view from the top towards the Kamnik Alps:
You can sort of see my house from here. :)
My favorite "training" hill, Kamniški vrh, was glowing red in the late afternoon light:
Mt. Brana and Mt. Planjava, as well as the clouds, turned orange-pink as the sunset was approaching.
Then the sun was almost gone:
Mt. Triglav and the Julian Alps in the distance:
Stari grad castle ruins and the after sunset sky:
Even after running all the way down the steep trail back to Kamnik my fingers didn't thaw. I really need to bring my gloves next time. :)
Oh, and all these photos were taken with my new compact camera, Canon Powershot S100, fitted with a polarizing filter. Around 200 grams altogether, heh. It was strange to go on a hike with so little weight. :)
I guess we are the only ones who are desperate for some snow :))
Let's hope next week happens :) You changed S100 for your SLR or just temporary?
Bravo, te moram pohvaliti za super fotografije, slučajno sem naletel na tole stran in sem se kar zavisel na njej. Skratka res pohvalno!
A živiš v gajbcah? ;)
Sašo, changed?? :P Blasphemy! :))) Nah, I am just enjoying having a small yet capable compact with me on short hikes (and skiing!).
Jošt, hvala! :)
Seamus, haha, a tudi tako se jim reče? Ne, ne živim v gajbicah, ampak čisto zraven njih. ;) Najbrž sva soseda?
Reče se jim vse sorte. Mislm ljudje imajo preveč časa - kremšnite, gajbice, kletke ipd.
Mi se imamo super :D
In če si čisto zravn, potem sva soseda 8) .
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