After two years of really bad rainy weather for Christmas I was finally happy to hear a nice weather forecast for December 24, so I headed up the mountain in the evening to take photos of an extraordinary event that only takes places once a year - on the Christmas eve. The procession of people hiking to the Velika planina chapel with torches and flashlights is a sight you don't get to see very often, religious or not.
After everybody was gone, I climbed the ridge overlooking the valley and took a few photos of Kamnik, Mengeš and Ljubljana in the mist below.
An hour later the chapel was deserted again.
TOP! nimam kej druzga rečt ;)
Hvala, Grega! :)
super ideja, super izvedba
Zelo, zelo lepo.
Sem že mislil za trenutek, da so cesto speljali gor. :)
Dušan, Aleš, Borut, hvala! Ha, saj cesta je in poleti vidiš na planini morje pločevine. Tole je gotovo lepši prizor! ;)
Resnično odlične fotografije. :)
last photo is amazing!
Šele pred kratkim odkril svet DSLR fotografije, ki me je čisto prevzela. Takšni blogi kot je vaš in odlične fotografije pa so prava inspiracija. Zadnjo sliko kapelice se je težko nagledati :)
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