One of the lookouts is frequented by these little ground squirrels, which come running when they hear cars pulling over knowing they will probably get some food from tourists.
The village of Vega del Río de Palmas offered the same phenomenon as the rest of the settlements on the island: it was deserted. No people in sight. I have no idea where everybody was, but seriously, it seemed like the place is completely abandoned.
From Betancuria we climbed to another pass where two men in thongs guarded the area. :) Looking at them with a mixture of awe and amusement we temporarily forgot about the fantastic views. ;)
And the views were fantastic indeed.
Driving home in the sweet light was frustrating at times because the high road shoulders make it almost impossible to stop anywhere along the road.
We made a short stop at El Cottilo, a town in the northwest of the island, to shoot the high cliffs.
To be continued ...
Uh, druga fotka zmaga. Lepa kompozicija (pa ne samo ta, da ne bo pomote). Mislim, da je bila veverica najbolj zadovoljna :D
Veverica je bila zelooo zadovoljna. :) Cesta s temi belimi kamni pa ena od bolj fotogeničnih, ja.
Po vseh fotkah sodeč vidim, da je tole bolj zanimiv otok, kot pa Gran Canaria ali recimo Tenerife. Bistveno bolj naravno in ne toliko naseljeno, posledično verjetno manj turistov. Ko bom odhajal kdaj v tisto smer, bom definitivno premislil o tej destinaciji. Upam, da fotk še ni konec ;)
Ravno zaradi tega sva si izbrala Fuerteventuro. Mislim, da se sicer tudi na Gran Canarii in Tenerifah da najti zanimive kotičke in lepo naravo, čeprav sta bolj turistična otoka, vsekakor pa sta bolj zelena kot Fuerteventura.
Ne, fotk pa še ni konec. ;)
Znani prozori :) Super fotke, SUPER OTOK :)
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