We booked this trip quite a few months ago, but one day before the departure my boyfriend fell ill and had no option but to stay home. We couldn't cancel the holidays without losing most of the money, so I had to find somebody on a short notice - in a matter of hours! - to go with me. My brother Peter was the "victim", and it was a good thing too as we would probably never decide to go on a trip together, so this turned out to be one great week of brother-sister bonding. :)
The flight from Salzburg to Fuerteventura took five hours, a bit more with a brief stop-over in Lanzarote. Flying over northern Africa offered views of the coast and desert, but poor atmospheric conditions rendered all photos mostly grey. A few Photoshop hours later and voilà, "art"! ;)
The window was dirty, of course, and in addition ice crystals formed on the glass. Never mind the reflections. ;)
The view of a Lanzarote coastal resort ...
... and a golf course.
To be continued ...
Naaaaaajs. Kot vedno.
P.S. Da ne boš rekla, da nikoli nič ne napišem ;-)
Jst bi šel tud!
Tina, pohvaljena, da si se končno okorajžila s komentarjem. ;)
Jaka, pejd! ;)
Oooo, very nice. Sem bil malo odsoten te dni, ampak zato sedaj toliko bolj z veseljem gledam fotke. Kot ponavadi so odlične.
Take panorame z letala pa ni lahko delat, moraš imeti kar srečo s svetlobo.
Le tako naprej.
Ah, fotke z letala so v originalu pretežno do zelo sivo-rjave. Sem si dala duška v photoshopu. :)
Se poznajo prednosti digitalne fotografije, človek ima več maneverskega prostora. Mojstrsko si to obdelala.
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