As some of you probably know, I spent three weeks in August in the USA. Partly for work - meeting my employers and coworkers at the
SmugMug retreat in Jackson Hole - and partly for pleasure, the whole trip was all about photography and visiting (mostly) national parks. Starting in San Francisco, I made my way to Yosemite and then across Nevada to Jackson Hole, Wyoming where I spent a week working and sightseeing Grant Teton and Yellowstone national parks. The last 9 days were a crazy landscape photography tour of Washington and Oregon states with my friend Ron. Check out
his gorgeous photos! More about the crazy adventures with him - like getting up at ungodly hours for the sunrise every single day AND being rewarded with great light - in the next posts. :)
While I'm far from having my photos selected and post-processed, here are a few teasers:
Sunrise in the Grand Teton NP:
Rolling hils of the Palouse:
The Palouse:
Reflection of Mt. Rainier in Tipsoo Lake at sunrise:
Mt. Rainier and wild flowers:
Crazy sunset colors at Ruby Beach:
Be patient! Or check
my galleries occasionally to see if there are any new uploads. ;)
Lepe, vse od prve do zadnje. As južvali.
Ana, hvala bogu zate. Sedaj lahko, kar nikoli ne bi drugače. Vidim lepoto sveta, kot jo vidijo tvoje oči skozi oči fotoaparata. Hvala.
Sašo, a veš, kako je bilo fajn? :)
Pika, nikoli ne reci nikoli. ;)
prekrasno,v živo je moralo bit še lepše
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