Setting off from the Erjavec hut through a larch forest we approached the north face of Prisojnik.
Soon we reached the rock face and started to ascend quickly. The first difficult section was soon behind us.
And then we saw her. The pagan girl. Staring into the valley.
By that time the sun rose high enough to illuminate the peaks on the other side of Vršič pass: Mojstrovka.
Higher up there was another demanding stretch of the route, and a few mountaineers were already there.
Steel rope and lots of iron pegs helped us climb.
Iridescent clouds above us.
We changed places all the time to be able to shoot up and down.
And then there it was, right above us - the mighty Front Window (haha, funny translation for Prednje okno).
One look back towards the valley before we began the last ascent to the big hole.
The narrow and very steep ravine was hard to negotiate but at least there wasn't any snow.
The very wide view from the bottom of the huge cavern.
Of course, the only way up and out is to climb. :)
And so we climbed.
And on the other side: the sun! Looking back into the hole we stripped one more layer of clothing.
The ridge trail to the top which looked deceptively close. Razor and Triglav in the background.
Jalovec and Mangart behind us.
And finally at the top of Prisojnik at 2547 meters! The views were fantastic: from Škrlatica to Triglav and beyond.
The Kamnik Alps in the distance.
Beautiful Jalovec.
Ah, the clouds...
Because Sandi had to be somewhere before dusk, we chose the fastest route to return to Vršič, the south trail. It was very warm and sunny and Razor was smiling at us the whole time.
Only a few larches were really yellow. The prime time is yet to come.
Prisojnik shows a completely different face from the south: friendlier and more approachable.
Back at the car we couldn't help but observe that some mountains look pretty much unconquerable from afar, for mortals anyway. Did we really climb that almost vertical rock wall? :)
As usual I took loads of photos and it's impossible to cram them all into one post. But if you're interested (or just bored/feeling masochistic :), look at them here. Or have a look at Sandi's photos.
Res lepo ti gre ta tvoja "kao HRD" obdelava....
Za prste obliznit!
Hvalabogu za tvoje fotke, v živo itak nam prišla do tja gor ...
Blazno HUDE fotke!
spet vrhunske fotke,zanima me če so to HDRji,če so,ali nosiš stojalo z sabo?
Najlepše prebujanje, Ana. Spet enkratne fotografije. In enkratne gore. Ja, tudi sama sem lani občudovala to igro narave na Prisojniku. Dobro, da se spet malo spomnim starih ljudskih pripovedk...tale o Ajdovski deklici pa mi je sploh simaptična...lepo se imej
Hej Jure, saj to so pravi HDRji. V severnih stenah in sencah, kadar zraven v kaden zajameš še s soncem obsijane hribe ali nebo, je dinamični razpon čisto preveč za senzor, tako da veselo pokam po tri ekspozicije. Vse iz roke, ker mi ne pade na pamet, da bi sredi stene postavljala stativ. :)
Katja, nikoli ne reci nikoli. ;)
Matej, hvala!!
Boštjan, hvala, in ja, to so pravi HDRji, glej odgovor Juretu.
Pika, hvala, tole je res čarobni svet, včeraj pa je bil že odet v sneg. Konec lazenja po stenah za letos. :(
Madonca, kot ponavadi so fotke prekrasne. Sicer mi še sedaj ni jasno, kako ti uspeva imeti tako mirno roko, ko streljaš HDR-je? Ja, kdor zna, pač zna :)
Turca je bila odlična in bo treba kaj podobnega kmalu ponoviti. No, glede na vreme, seveda :)
Aja, 15. fotografija se mi nadvse dopade ;)
Sandi, vsake toliko časa je treba kakšnega ruknit za mirno roko. :))))
Ture bodo pa od zdaj naprej samo še zimske, se mi zdi. Kar je tudi v redu. In glede 15. se strinjava. ;)
HDRji so lepi, mogoce kaksnemu zmanjka malo kontrasta...
Drugace pa super prikaz stmnine na eni najbolj zahtevnih gora pri nas...
hello, i found your blog through a google image search for something to paint. i am a stay at home mom in California USA. in my "free time" i love to paint. i haven't found anything lately that struck a cord enough for me to want to get out my paints until i found your blog. there are 5 or so photos between the first and second page of your blog that i would love to download in order to paint for my wall at home. i am not going to print them, or sell them, just paint them and love them. hoping you will allow it. email me- and let me know. thanks for being so inpirational. it's so nice to see parts of the world through others' eyes. What Gorgeous Country!!!
Hi Sadie, it's very flattering to know my photos are so inspirational. I'll drop you an email.
ni kaj, fotke so top, lokacije prav tako. Naslednje leto grem verjetno tudi sam to lokacijo pogledat. Lp G
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