After skiing we drove around Pokljuka for a while.
Planina Javornik was fighting the fog.
The road was snowy but quite passable.
One of the cabins on Pokljuka.
A cabin in an enchanted forest? ;)
The sweet light just before sunset on the hills around Šijec peat bog.
Sunlit tree tops.
A snowman was guarding the peat bog.
The sun set and the clouds turned orange.
One more look across the snowy marshes and off we went.
Driving home we stopped at Gorjuše to take the last few photos for the day.
More photos here.
Uh, ne spomnim se, kdaj bi minilo toliko časa, a ne bi šla na tvoj blog. Tvoje fotografije so pač vedno nekaj lepega in me napolnijo. če ni nič drugega tisti dan, so lepota, ki jo enostvno potrebujem. Doza. Vsakodnevna. Lepe. Spet. A tokrat sem tako žečljna pomladi, da sem pristranska. Pa saj bo! Pomlad namreč... lepo bodi
Hvala, Pika! Res da so te fotke še januarske, ampak jaz si pa pomladi še prav nič ne želim. Zima traja do 21.3., časa za toploto, zeleno travico in brstenje bo dovolj pozneje. Do takrat pa sneg, smučanje, kepanje! :)))
Uf imaš pa res zalogo odličnih fotografij...te kar potegne notri! Kr tko naprej! :)
Ciril, hvala! Enako, I might add. :)
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