It was still very cold, but at least it didn't snow. For a while I just walked around and took pictures.
In the afternoon it was time to see Alexanderplatz and the nearby sites. One of the most prominent things to see is definitely the 216-meter high television tower.
Berlin Cathedral.
I was lucky to see a (probably freezing) bride at the entrance to the cathedral.
The interior is, well... ornate. :)
But what I was really waiting for was, yes, you guessed it, blue hour. It's such a shame that it only lasts for about 20 minutes because its light is the best and it's simply impossible to be at different locations during those 20 minutes. I had to run around like crazy again. :)
Soon the sky was black and I started playing with the traffic.
I walked the whole length of an avenue called Unter der Linden with beautifully lit linden trees...
... all the way to Brandenburg Gate...
... past the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe...
... to Potsdam Square.
The lively central forum of Sony Center:
Cold but satisfied with the day I headed back by metro.
More photos here.
I thoght you went to sing to Berlin. And yet you've came back with so many great photos!
Amazing!! This set is really great. Can't really decide, which one is the best. I sure like the wheel and the one beneath.
Too bad you cut the tower in one of the pictures :(
U used tripod ?
Wohoho :) Dej povej s kakšno magično palico čaraš, saj ti uroki (v pozitivnem smislu seveda) gredo odlično od rok! Si toliko začarala, da sploh ne vem, katera mi je ljubša!
Luka, we sang on the first day, then we had two days off to explore Berlin. ;)
Sašo, thanks! As for the cut-off tower, yes, I know. :( I didn't see much in the viewfinder as it was so dark and only noticed when I saw the photo on the computer. I think I'll have to go back and make it right. :))) And yes, of course I had a tripod, the night shots are all multi-second exposures.
Sandi, ma kakšna magična palica neki, tako sem zmrzovala, da sem zraven stativa plesala ples za toploto in besno pihala v prste, da se mi ni zanohtalo. :))))
Ja, čarobno, res čarobno...morda te je res zeblo, a fotografije so enkratne. Ne morem se odločit, katera mi je najbolj všeč. Pri tebi bo treba začeti kontra: katera mi, pod nobenim pogojem, pa res pod nobenim pogojem ni všeč? A verjetno je to tudi problem...Lepo Ana, res lepo. Si kar želim s tabo na Škotsko (bila sem 2007, a samo osem dni). Me zanima, kaj bi začarala tam...
Tehnično so fajn! :) LP a.
Uf, Pika, Škotska tudi mene vabi. Sem bila pred davnimi leti tam, še z analognim trotlzihrom ... :)
Anže, hvala. :)
A ni čudovita? Škotska namreč... O.k.; letos ni čas (beri : ni denarja). Gremo pa najprej na polete v Planico, pa malo po Sloveniji. Ponoči sem se srečala s fotografijo Kevina Carterja (saj veš, deklica in mrhovinar). Kako zelo močno izrazno moč ima fotografija, kajne? Z vseh vidikov, ne samo umetniškega. LP Ana
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