We weren't sure what the weather would be like when we emerged from the forest to Mala planina.
But the view after reaching the edge and looking west assured us there would be plenty to feast our eyes on.
Kamnik! I can see my house from here! :)
The light was really sweet.
Barbed wire and flowers.
I looked back one last time before entering the village of Velika planina and saw this.
The fog had already rolled in from the other side and was quickly enveloping the cottages. Combined with the sunset the magnificent sight only lasted for about a minute.
Orange fog.
I had to take photos quickly because the whole spectacle was over before I could change a lens.
We had some delicious soured milk with cottage cheese while it was getting darker and foggier.
The photo session wasn't quite over. Now the light turned bluish ...
... and the fog kept rolling in.
You can't really tell from this photo but it was pretty dark already and because of the fog it would be quite easy to get lost.
The visibility was poor but I had to stop and take a picture of this cottage.
And then we plunged into the forest. We'll be back soon!
Tako se že ponavljam, da mi gre na živce. A kaj naj drugega sploh rečem. Morda je pri teh tvojih fotografijah okolice tvojega doma "noter" enostavno tvoje srce. Vse so lepe, ene bolj, druge malo manj bolj (izumila bom novi izraz, ker besede "manj" ne želim uporabit!), a četrta... FANTASTIČNA!!!! Svetloba je enkratna, tako čudovito mehka,da imam občutek, kakor da ni "zemeljska". Kot da hodiš nekoliko dvignjen po tej poti proti... ne vem, čisti lepoti. Oprosti; pridem domov, pojem kosilo, skuham si kavo in grem na svoj blog (v glavnem ni nobenih komentarjev, tako da nimam dela!) in ... vidim tvoj nov post... prvo, kar naredim, pridem sem, k tebi. Še nikoli mi ni biloi žal, pa mislim, da sem kar zahtevna. Kdaj bo spet kakšna tvoja razstava, Ana?
Pika, hvala, zdaj bom kar malo zardevala ob tvojih pohvalnih besedah. Sama neznansko uživam v fotografiranju in dejstvo je, da to počnem bolj ali manj zase. Ampak priznam, da mi je všeč, če s svojimi fotkami naredim veselje tudi drugim! Glede razstave pa ne vem, že za februarsko so me morali kar fajn zbrcati, da sem se je lotila. :) Vsekakor bom obvestila tu na blogu. Tačas pa so moje fotke kot vedno na ogled tukaj, še večji izbor pa v mojem fotodnevniku (link je v desnem stolpcu pod mojo slikco). Na zalogi imam še ogromno stvari, še Fuerteventure nisem vse objavila, pa sedem tednov lanske Indonezije, pa en kup še neobjavljenih izletov ... Bom vesela, če se boš še vračala! :)
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