Well, the path through the gorge is actually closed, and after ignoring the 'no entry' sign and spending one hour there, I know why. I almost got killed a few times by the falling icicles! The footbridges were slippery in places, but at least I could take photos with a tripod as there were virtually no people around. Actually, I did meet a few other 'trespassers' and they were all foreign tourists! Needless to say, they all loved the place.
More photos here.
Če ni skrivnost. Kakšen čas si imela, da je voda toliko zamegljena. Morda kakšen ND filter, ali je dejansko malo svetlobe?
Res so lepi ti nasi kraji! Skozi tvoj objektiv se toliko bolj:)
Stunning photos Ana! I love the colour contrasts, green and brown! And the wide angle really makes the photos.
@Uros: casi so bili zelo razlicni, od nekaj sekund do 30s. ND filtra nisem uporabila, ampak v soteski tistega oblacnega dne ni bilo pretirano svetlo.
@Tine: hvala! :)
@Luka: hvala! Takih barv in kontrastov v bistvu nisem pricakovala, potem pa me je mah in odpadlo listje prijetno presenetilo. :)
Hude, hude fotke. Presunljiva uporaba sirokega kota, res pohvalno.
ooo. res so zakon. barve so fenomenalne (:
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